🀘 Kyle Campbell

πŸŽ– CEO’ing the future of Cloud Native DevOps @ CTO.ai
πŸ₯‡ Previously @ Retsly (acq by Zillow Group β€˜14) &
πŸ₯ˆ Early @ Datahero (acq by Cloudability β€˜16)

⌚️ I enjoy spending my time creating businesses and powerful developer experiences.
πŸ”₯ I'm; Driven not talented. Hardworking not smart. Disciplined not successful.

🧠 My personality type is ENTJ, also classified as a Commander.
⚠️ Only 2% of the population have this rare personality type.
πŸ’‘ Understanding this is the key to working with me.
🀝 Don't say I didn't warn you.